XSed (æksesd) is an open source service provider specialising in data management.
We provide companies with the right information at the right place, to make the right decisions. By listening carefully to you, our customer, and working closely together, we arrive at a responsible approach to data problems within your organisation. In accordance with the open source philosophy we focus on collaboration and open communication, so together we can achieve better results.
XSed is a no-nonsense company that organises business in a thought out and swift manner for you. We use Talend software to offer you the next generation of data management solutions, so you have access to all relevant and accurate information to continue to be competitive.
XSed is conscious of the environment around. It looks for sustainable ways to operate and conduct its business. Based on the principles of restorative economy it will create a practice for incorporating the values for sustainable business. We use the word practice because we will know that this is an area in which we have to learn to use innovative ways to use our resources responsible. This implies that there is something to be learned, and through consistent and applied practice, one improves one’s ability, gets better at a skill, and strives for understanding. This should reflect the way in which we select partners and suppliers and how we do business. Our personal values are reflected in the company. We treat everybody like we conduct our business using the concept of sustainability. We strongly believe that together we can enhance the products and practice of XSed.