open succes

Producer completes purchase of a subsidiary organization

XSed performed a data migration for a producer of natural ethanol. This organisation purchased another company from a competitor and this company had to be migrated within their current ERP system. Due to the special circumstances of the business deal the project needed to be concluded within three months before the end of the fiscal year. After this period they would not have access to the old system.

XSed cooperated together with employees from both companies to extract the data and load this in the target system.

Thanks to the efforts of the professionals of XSed the data migration was successfully completed within the deadline.

col-header-arrow CASE STUDY

Business Type

Producer of natural ethanol


Data migration from SAP to Oracle JD Edwards ERP system to integrate newly purchased company.

Key facts

  • masterdata and transactional data
  • use of standard components
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2031 CC Haarlem
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